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How can I find out more about Christ Church?

You can celebrate with us in our Sunday worship at 11:00am.

Call the church office at 828-645-5785 or email our church at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Request a visit from Pastor Mike or a member of our visitation team.

While you are at the church facility, you can ask any member of the congregation why they enjoy being part of this faith community.

What is special about Christ Church?

A Grace Group is a small group of 10-12 people who gather for fellowship, Bible study, prayer, and support. Our Grace Group meets weekly.

You may join through confession of your faith in Jesus as your Savior and Lord and by promising to remain a faithful member of Christ's church and serve as Christ's representative in the world. You also promise to support this congregation in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and witness.

You may join by transfer of membership from another United Methodist church or from a church of another Christian denomination.

Christ Church membership, as in all United Methodist churches, is open to all persons, without regard to race, color, national origin, or financial status.

Instruction in the meaning of the Christian faith and the history and doctrines of the United Methodist church is regularly planned for youth above fifth grade and adults.

Children in fifth grade and under, after baptism, may be placed on the preparatory roll.

What does the United Methodist Church emphasize?

While all Christians generally share the same basic beliefs in Jesus Christ, God, the Holy Spirit, and salvation, the United Methodist Church emphasizes God's grace and mercy, Jesus Christ's love and forgiveness, and the power and witness of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. Christians in the Wesleyan tradition (to which Methodist churches belong) hold together personal spirituality and caring concern for helping others. For more information about what the UMC believes, please use this link to visit What We Believe at the United Methodist Church website.

What does the church believe about Holy Communion?

In the United Methodist Church we believe that communion is God's holy meal, not our own. Because of this belief, we invite anyone who professes faith in Christ to receive the elements of bread and juice as a special means of receiving God's grace. We encourage parents to bring children as a way to teach God's love for them. We usually celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month.